Sunday, January 15, 2017

Christmas Vacation


Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling, people sitting, people eating, table, indoor and food

Christmas is a magical holiday season that brings with it joy, love, and heartwarming thoughts. Inspire your friends and loved ones with just the right words needed to spread some Christmas joy. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ's birth. Some people celebrate Christmas differently, but it is all based upon the birth of Christ. Christmas is on December 25th. This is the day that Jesus is said to be born.

People celebrate Christmas differently form one another. For example, my family celebrates Christmas by decorating our entire house. We also exchange gifts, go to church, and cook a big dinner. Even though we do all these things, we remember the "true" meaning of Christmas - To Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ. In conclusion, though people celebrate Christmas in different ways throughout the world, I learned to celebrate Christmas from my family and church.

 Christmas is a good holiday for many reasons. There are reasons that
exist that make Christmas a bad holiday, but for the most part it is a wonderful
time of year. Millions of people around the world will agree that Christmas is
one of the most fun and exciting holidays. Christmas is a good holiday because
students get a vacation from school, people get to exchange gifts with friends
and family, and people get to spend time with their families. Those three
reasons, among others, help to make Christmas one of the best holidays.